Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Stop1 Posted by Picasa


Stop the misery
Stop the killing
Stop the unjustice
Stop and think what you are doing.
Don't be in a hurry
Slow down and see the surrounding.
Stop and watch the childern play.
Stop and take time to walk the dog.
Stop hurring through life and take time
to feel the world around you.
Stop and listen to all that the world has to
say to you and enjoy the moment.
For all time.
Stop hurring through life and take time
to live it.

Other Day

The sky is overcast.
The sun in nowhere to be seen.
It's other dreadful day.
No sun to brighten the blues away.
Just raindrops falling down adding to the misery.
Of other day that gone astray.
Maybe when tomorrow appear again.
The sun will shine bright and chase the blues away.
And brighten the miserable day of yesterday from
my feeble mind.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pic 10 Posted by Picasa

Sometimes in Life

Sometimes in life things change so quickly.
Do you ever get that feeling like your falling
deeper and deeper into a vast sea of pool of
doom and despair.
You want to change the feeling but don't know how.
So you sink deeper and deeper into a depression with no way out.
There nobody to throw you a life line.
Nobody to run to for help.
So like a good soldier fighting a war.
You fight that battle inside you.
Hoping to come out with a victory.
And maybe one day you with be able to look back on that day.
With a smile or not.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lonely Star

It other moonless night.
No moon in sight.
I see nothing but darkness where a breath taking moon use to be.
A emptiness fill inside me.
Like a bottomless pit.
I look deeper into the heavens.
And see one blinking shiny star.
It look alone like me.
Like me also it has a little spark.
That shows in the blackness of the dark.
As it stand alone in this big vast world of ours.