Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Dark Sword

Blue-steel unknown and never rules,
The light abandoned the surface cools,
a tiny stream,
a reddish glint,
drips the weapon,
the dragon gift.
But the blood beads,
force their path,
sent to flow the warrior path.
The hilt alone holds no blood,
for blue-steel cloaked the flood,
The light now continues to fade,
the sapphire hilt,
the blue steel blade,
the crystal hidden,
the motion to last.
But halt your slaughter,
commanded the dead,
and those that have fled.
The battle is over the carrion,
birds, call your side has won,
but friends still fall.
For the wielder is now,
ruled by the sword,
that flowed and felled.
her friends, her lords.
The blue-steel gift continued.
to impale, to slash to center.
to piece their mail.
The warrior lighting.
reflecting black-scale.
their laughter and hail.
The sight, euphoric,
as winds gives them lift.
The hillside the wielder.
The sword their gift.
The warrior.
possessed look onward,
to find those left alive.
And more humankind.
And the blade finished.
It turned on it's wielder,
It gift of death.


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